Light, Colour, and the Cosmos in the Medieval and Modern Worlds

OxNet students experienced life at a Russell Group University by attending a two-day residential at Durham University as part of the OxNet programme, focusing around three key elements of Bishop Grosseteste’s treatises – colour, light, and cosmos.

Ordered Universe in Dublin – Getting Hands-on with Medieval Science!

As part of last week’s Ordered Universe symposium in Dublin, Seb Falk and Giles Gasper gave a talk about the work of the project (Giles) and medieval understanding of the night skies, and the instruments for measurement and observation available in the period. It was a lovely venue – in the Long Room Hub atContinue reading “Ordered Universe in Dublin – Getting Hands-on with Medieval Science!”

Moving objects, and heavenly bodies: Ordered Universe at McGill, Montreal

Last week the Ordered Universe team met at McGill University, Montreal. Some 18 members of the core group, from Durham, York, Oxford, Lincoln, Beirut, Siena, Berlin, Washington DC, Toronto, and the home team from Montreal, gathered together in the

Astronomy across the Medieval World

An extremely interesting conference organised by the Centre for the History and Philosophy of Physics, based at St Cross College, University of Oxford, ‘Astronomy across the Medieval World‘ introduced Chinese, Indian, Islamic, European and Mayan and Aztec  astronomy to a wide and diverse audience. The first session of the conference was chaired by Professor CharlesContinue reading “Astronomy across the Medieval World”

Heaven’s Above! An Interactive Exhibition

Well, it has been about three weeks since the Being Human, National Festival of Humanities activities took place in Durham. Philipp Nothaft’s magnificent lecture on the dating of Easter (just before Advent, appropriately) on the 18th November, which attracted an audience of over 80 and is available in video form, began events. The lecture took place

Heaven’s Above Features….

Today is the launch of Being Human! Ordered Universe Events start tomorrow, with the public talk by Philipp Nothaft  (pictured above). Philipp is a graduate of the University of Munich, has been associated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University College London, and the Warburg Institute. He was appointed as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow atContinue reading “Heaven’s Above Features….”

Updates on recent events: Montreal

It has been a busy month or so for the Ordered Universe, as we come to the end of October, and, almost a full year since the award of major AHRC funding for the project. Work is proceeding apace on the first volume from the project which will comprise the edition, translation and analysis ofContinue reading “Updates on recent events: Montreal”

‘To Loose the Bonds of Arcturus’: Ordered Universe in Montreal

On the 28th September, Giles will give a public lecture to the McGill Medievalists, supported by the Mellon Foundation. The subject will be the place of Astronomy in twelfth century schemes for Liberal Arts. Grosseteste’s De artibus liberalibus features strongly; the lecture will explore what Grosseteste sets as his task in the treatise and contextualise some of its moreContinue reading “‘To Loose the Bonds of Arcturus’: Ordered Universe in Montreal”